Mohammed Amin

It's time to look back to the past
and create the future




This project allows you to change the text in a label and make graphics visible or not visible

About Page


My company's About Page. It shows you trademark and logo and you can customize it by
changing the font and color.

Mailing Label


You can input your details of your adress. Then the computer outputs your mailing label.

Car Rental


User enter its info for his address. And also inputs the miles he drove when he started
and when he finished driving the car. And how many days he had the car for. After that
computer outputs the users total cost and total miles. As more customers return their car
the manager can see the average sales, total people, total sales.



User inputs its weight(Lb) and height(Ft)(In). Then the computer converts that into "M" and "Kg",
and outputs that. Then uses that information to output your BMI. Also tells you your health level using
your BMI.

Car Rental 2


User enter its info for his address. And also inputs the miles he drove
when he started and when he finished driving the car.And how many days he
had the car for. After that computer outputs the users total cost and total miles.
Manager can also see the store stats. User can choose different cars that have
different prices also, you can choose add-ons such as leather seats or Boise sound.

Test Score Calculator


User enter two test scores, and computer outputs the score in a letter grade.
It also tell which score is higher and lower, and the average for the scores.

Dice Program


User rolls the dice, and computer outputs 2 dice with its corresponding picture
and number, and also outputs the sumof the the 2 dice. Also outputs how many
times you roll. On the statistics side the computer outputs how many times you
roll the specific sum from 2-12, and the possibility of each sum in percent.

Craps Game


A game when two dice are rolled and ifyou get some specific numbers on
the first roll you lose and if you get some other specific number you win,
If you some another set of specific numbers then nothing happens and you get
that number as your point. Then you win if you roll that point. And you lose

T-Shirt Order


You can buy t-shirt with multiple sizes and you can add extra add-ons
to the shirt Also allows you to buy multiple orders. It also shows the
summary of the statistics.

Slot Machine


Slot machine, only works if there are credits inside of it.It adds your bets
as you lose to you jackpot which is a $1,000. If all your slots are the same
you win and you get the jackpot.

Rock Paper Scissors


2 player rock-paper-scissors game. It also outputs how many times each
player wins.

Fish Mania


A fish that can move side by side, manually or automaticaly. You can also adjust the speed to be faster or slower.

Fish 2D


A fish and shark that move want to by clicking Move or clicking Auto. Also you can adjust the speed of it by making it faster or slower Also keeps track of how many times the fish and shark move, and how many times they bumps on to the sides and top and bottom. The shark can also eat the fish if they are on the same coordinates. If the shark eats the fish, the whole simulator starts again.

Football Bowl


2 teams that will be competing in the Celebration Bowl Shows their results for last year and previous bowl games Also has an about page for both of the teams.



A 2 player tic tac toe game if you win it says you won. if you tie is says you tied.

N! Program


The n program where different numbers or sequences come.

Basketball Mania


A basketball game where you need to get 5 points to win. If the red players in the side columns touch the ball, the game restarts. If the middle row red player gets the ball they score. The red team also wins at 5 points.

Star Field


A stimualtion of start going to the 4 corners, so it makes it look like you are space.

Fish Simulator


An ocean simulator where there are 20 fishes swimming randomly There is also a shark, it can eat the fish. And their is a bot , and the boat can catch the fish. There also bubbles going randomly

Star Field


A stimualtion of start going to the 4 corners, so it makes it look like you are space.

The Arena Of Chinoti


This is my Final Game. Its a 2 player game. You start off by choosing a character and you fight until the other player dies. You unlock more characters as you win more games.

About Me

Hi, My name is Mohammed Amin and I am in 9th grade. Currenty I am working in Visual Studio and learning how to code in C#. With this unique language I have made really cool apps and games. You can see my projects here. Coding has always been a natural instinct to me. I really enjoy it and I will always love it. In all my years in coding I have learned many langages on my own. My top most favorite language is HTML/CSS. I love to make webpages and to style them. I have worked on many projects using this language.